Monday, December 26, 2016

Jim's Simplicity

Jim's Simplicity

As we remember..

He concluded his ministry
in recent autumn days 
speaking of simplicity..
Simplicity appearing  
through a Jesus lens..
Ending this way
we knew him again
as we have
many times before..

He came with Andrea
to our church 
and our town..
He brought simplicity
to business and budgets
committees and councils
to Bible know..
those which celebrated
bagels and salads and soups..

His simplicity spoke 
in a new Communion:
As we came forward
he proclaimed his gift of love and joy..

He knew the blessing
of simple freedom:
You might remember
a sermon on socks..
Your feet won't mind..
..he preached that day..
as should not they:
With head bowed you see
you left home wearing
one black and one brown..

And then we remember:
Calling us to worship
he always said this:
"You are invited
to breathe deeply.."
This simple reminder
our Sunday transition
to just being there..
He ended his call
with a simple Amen
which to many sounded 
more like a simple
 "Oh yeah.."

Jim and Andrea
have brought life itself
to our congregation..
We will not soon forget
the joys we shared..
As our paths now diverge
Ours..we all know
will be lighted by memories of
 their love and devotion...

~~Charlie Coon

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