Tuesday, July 23, 2024




Are nothing


These words

Are a story

Which can 

Light up the



No you or me

No other

No free will

No (insert)..

No..appears to

End separation.. 

Ignoring is


Naked separation

So the story goes...

No separation

Makes no sense..

Stormy blue...





Yet with 


The seeming

Paradox rings


Friday, July 19, 2024

The Bible


The Bible

Filled with words

Of joys and mayhem

Prescription and


Narratives expressing

The wholeness of

Empty words...

Is and isn't...



Expresses that

No and separation

Are not two...💥


(Is not)

Is and not

Are not two...😎

It is all

The presence of





Dark story

Is used to

Portray an

Imaginative savoir 

Of all mankind..

A story of


Broken into

A pedestaled

Character and

Bridging the

Separation with

Listed beliefs..

Yet..all of this

As a narrative

Is a reflection of



Seems as a

Favored character

In parables

Of life and death...

The gospels

May appear

As a character

Named Jesus

Offering hope

In life's struggles..

Or as a character

Knowing that

He and we

Are equally 

Characters and 

Totally free...

"Jesus was not a Christian. He is not the founder of Christianity. Jesus never encouraged people to worship him. Christianity is a religion created later, mostly by Paul and later church councils, in the name of Jesus, and is much different from the truth that Jesus taught and lived. 

Were Jesus alive today, he would not be a Christian. 

Jesus is still one of best-kept secrets because his truth has been grossly distorted by those who claim to speak for him. There is a religion-free Jesus who belongs to all of humankind. Christianity does not own or have first rights to Jesus. His truth has universal significance. 

It's a mistake to make Jesus a religious figure or front man for Christianity. You have to disentangle Jesus from what you heard at church to find the truth he said would set you free."

~ Jim Palmer

A story of 1776..


There is a story

A story of 1776

Mighty struggles

And what is called

Progress..with limits..

A seeming

Course of events

Rising as memory..

And senses of

Helplessness and

Of hope to

Avoid an ending..

All nothing 

Appearing as this

Flag-draped  story...

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Life and death..

Life and death

Seem separate

But also may seem

Simultaneous and


Understood and

Beyond understanding..

Life may seem 

As searching

For a resonance with

Such a canvas of

Life and death...