Monday, June 29, 2020

Perfect Brilliant Stillness..

Your own nature is essentially pure, utterly still.” ~ Hui Hai
"The ultimate understanding is a seeing and a knowing rather than a comprehending.
And it does satisfy all questions,
though not answering them.
Answers become irrelevant
as the questions themselves
both cease in the seeing.
Do not judge the questioning or the longing,
the seeking or the sadness,
the impatience or the resistance,
the opening or the letting go.
It is all the perfect unfolding as it is:
only watch it and know you are not that.
You are ‘loving awareness’ in which all arises.
You are quiet compassionate space in which the life
you think as ‘yourself ’unfolds.
This still expanse of acceptance between the thoughts
is all there is.
That is what you are.
Let the love that is the stillness that you are
embrace you
overcome you."
~Perfect Brilliant Stillness~

-John McIntosh
Silence is Who You Really Are. This is not the absence of sound, although that is certainly often the way IT may be experienced [partially]. One who dwells ‘always as’ the SELF [ONE - God - Consciousness - Silence] is often found ‘in/as’ Silence. They do not socialize and yet may be found [for some often] ‘in’ society when called to … but they do not seek it out. Whatever their needs may be to maintain the body [great or small] … just shows up in the moment.
The influence of Silence [Truth] is far greater than words [thought or spoken] and actions. IT dissolves imbalance in whatever way IT shows up. The degree to which one is ‘open’ to Truth [Freedom], determines what influence IT will have. In some rare instances IT is so profound as to bring one over the bridge of dreams into Freedom spontaneously.
A state of readiness certainly has been there in these blessed cases, usually preceded by much inner work. Notwithstanding, to be in the Presence of Silence will touch one in the precise way that is Perfect for their highest good in the moment.

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