When; March - Mav31St.2016
Where: Rico•s care a Wine
"This is part two in the Mandalart Series arid is titled -Bloom". The titte is meant to describe this moment and every moment as a fresh, never before seen. unfolding occurrence. And, just as any bloom 01 any 'bwer_ this moment is the result of infinite influences, as are we, our communities, and our world. Today, these innuendoes and interconneaions are becoming obvious in unprecedented Ways. I feel Strongly that understanding and integrating this Way Of Seeing Can be a potent remedy tor the many challenges facing humanity. It is a torm 01 spiritual activism. Each Of the paintings in the show is an attempt at pointing to this understanding.
•Beth Chorpenning
Poor Richavd$ and the artist ate partnering to donate profits from
We hope to see you at the Show Opening! sunaay; March 6th. 3-5 PM at Rico'S Care & Wine Bar:
322 N.Tejon st, cotoraoo springs. CO ugoe
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